Beginnings Abound

Beginnings abound
Snow on the ground
Yet it smells like spring
New beginnings

Some seeds just sprouting
Others awaiting the call
To awaken renewed
From hibernation

All around, wonderful smiles
Seeing memories that I use
To lean on, to nurture growth
As I blossom and know true
Earth is about to have a new hue

Beginning fresh and anew
Each and every day
As each day can never
Be the same as the last
No turning past..

Turning here,  turning there
Some are fleeting moments
Some are memories
Meant to last
In our hearts forever

Questions abound
And the inquiries
Are plentiful
Some no more than theories

That the answers arrive
On Time’s silly line
As they choose
On this glorious
Winter day

Chaos In The Air

Sat here crying over
Nights lost long ago
Wondering if it could
Ever “BE” again

And lo and behold
Unsung prayers answered
Right before my eyes
Instantly ripping away the disguise

Showing me the game
Still is quite the same
As the same players keep
Playing their childish games

As I sit quietly
Out of the chaos
Wondering how on earth
I thought I lost…

Yet what I’ve gained
Is immeasurable
Truly guided by light
Thankful to have the foresight

To go on one’s own
Protecting my family
With courage and integrity
Yet with heartfelt compassion
for those still suffering