The Best Part of Each Day

Ba-bump, Ba-bump, Ba-bump

the beat of your heart


Here I am

once again

in my favorite moment of the day

As I rest my head

on your shoulder

and feel the stress melt away

These blessings

intoxicate my soul

my heart

my mind

Feelings of immense love

peace and gratitude

engulf each and every cell

encompassing my being

while I drift

deeper and deeper

towards sleep

I thank God for

this moment

and ask for

many, many more

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I smile

You smile

I melt

You hug me

I’m intoxicated by your scent

energized by your touch

You look at me

And it’s as if diamonds

sparkle in your eyes

I am a QUEEN

in the

wealthiest of lands

Invincible due to

the sheer POWER

of Love

And I smile

as you release your embrace

And I know…..

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